Navbar html CSS | Transparent Navigation bar | in Hindi | CodeWithMe

    Building a responsive navigation bar is an essential part of improving your user experience and web design skills. In this article, we’ll show you how to make a responsive navigation bar using only HTML and CSS (not even a single line of JavaScript!).

    So, if you're a beginner who's learning front-end development and looking to build a navigation bar, you’ve arrived at the right place. But, before we show you how to create a navigation bar with HTML and CSS, let’s first understand the basic design principles of a responsive navigation bar.

Prerequisites: The Three Key Elements of a Navbar

It’s quite obvious that most website owners want to acquire new visitors. The first step towards doing so is showing the visitors a clear and concise path. You're supposed to build a navbar that inspires curiosity and attracts visitors simultaneously. You should have three key elements while designing an ideal navbar:


It should be clear and easy to read. Instead of cluttering the navbar with links to every page, you should go for the broader categories of your site. Afterward, you can add sub-menus in the form of a dropdown if necessary.


A simple navbar shouldn’t be boring at all. You should stick to a pre-decided brand color to make the design more consistent. You can experiment with numerous color schemes and use lighter or darker shades for highlighting and dropdown menus.


A global internet usage report by Statista shows that 59.5 percent of the global population is actively using the internet, and 92.6 percent are using it via mobile devices. That's more than enough to understand the importance of implementing responsive mobile navigation on your site.Top-level mobile navigation is quite popular. You can use a hamburger menu, guillotine, floating icons, and tabs. It’s a savior when you have five or more categories with multiple hierarchies. Top-level navigation can save significant screen space, especially when you have a content-heavy site.

Tab bars with relevant icons are a perfect fit for the bottom navigation bar as they usually contain three to five menus at the same level of hierarchy. Submenus and sequential menus follow the main category with the parent-child relationship.

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